What if it's you people are gossiping about?

What is Gossip and when does something become Gossip?

Websters has this definition.
;a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others
;rumor or report of an intimate nature
;a chatty talk
;the subject matter of gossip

So lets look at what is gossip according to the world.  Gossip is talking about someone else (a person who habitually reveals personal or sensational facts about others) when that conversation doesn't need to happen and in all reality shouldn't happen because you don't know what is going on (rumor or report of an intimate nature). I happens all the time,but that doesn't mean it is right. As Christians we should be even more sensitive about gossip and quelling it where ever it shows up.  I learned this rule along time ago and have tried to live by it. "If you aren't part of the problem and you aren't part of the solution, you shouldn't be talking about it."  Another rule I try to live by is "Don't talk about someone, talk to them."  Next time you go to say something about someone else think about what you say before you say it.  Ask yourself these questions.  "Will this edify the person I'm talking to?" "Does the person I'm talking to need to know about what I'm about to tell them?"  "Will my saying this help the person I'm talking about?"  "Would I want someone else saying this about me?"  "Do I really know the facts about what I'm going to say or am I making an assumption?"  If the answer to any of these questions is no then don't say it.  You will save your friends a lot of grief and frustration.  So think about it, "What if it's you people are gossiping about?"

Proverbs 26:20 For lack of wood the fire goes out, And where there is no whisperer, contention quiets down


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