Why I’m Still Baptist Part 2
In Part 1 I mentioned that I listened to an audio book about the history of Baptist in America. That book was “Baptist in America by Thomas Kidd and Barry Hankins. In the last chapter they come to the conclusion that in order to be a Baptist one must just call themselves Baptist. Baptist over the years have run the gauntlet and have held to almost every theological position. They are both reformed and dispensational. They are Calvinist and Armenian. They are both pro and anti missionary. Baptists were racial integrated and became one of the most segregated denominations. They are both Charismatic and Cessations, Old and Young earth Creationist.
If anyone can be a Baptist, then why do I identify as Baptist when there are so many people who identify as Baptist who I disagree with? The reason I am Baptist is due primarily to the core beliefs of believer’s baptism and their Congregational church government. The church I currently attend holds to the Baptist Faith & Message 2000. I like this statement of faith, especially for a church or a larger organization such as the SBC because it is specific in important areas such as the Bible, the nature of God and the Trinity while being open in the non important areas such as the end times and spiritual gifts.
The most important thing for me, however, the congregational polity and the accountability that the church leadership, at least my current church leadership does, gives to the people in the congregation. I can talk to my pastor and talk about whatever I want to talk about and call him out on things that are questionable.
Because of my life experiences I am very sensitive to abuse in the church and overreaching authority and biblical principles that can very easily be twisted in order to manipulate people, especially women. I myself have never been abused but I know several people who have experienced every type of abuse at the hands of people who were their “Spiritual Leaders”. Having church leadership that I have the ability and the freedom to approach them about anything, including something that was said or worded in an insensitive way, and more importantly have my concerns taken seriously is very important.
While there are some non denominational churches that might work, for me personally my theology is baptistic and the churches that I have been in where there is accountability of the leadership to the congregation are Baptist in theology and confession if not in name.
Again, I am not your typical Baptist but I am theologically and practically Baptist.
Next time I’m going to recap the 125 Duels at Daytona and preview the Daytona 500.
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