The Curse of ...?
The Texas Rangers are cursed. How can you say they are cursed you may ask. Well being within one strike of winning the World Series twice in one game, having the third longest World Series win less streak (Only the Cubs and the Indians have longer win less streaks) and losing to a team that shouldn't have been there? If that doesn't qualify as cursed I don't know what does. The question still remains though, Who or What has cursed them. The haven't turned a billy goat away from watching a game (Chicago's curse of the Billy Goat, 103 year drought and counting) and they haven't given away the best player in baseball history to their arch rivals (Boston Redsox and the Curse of the Bambino aka: Babe Ruth, 86 year drought). So what have they done to provoke the wrath of the baseball gods? We may never know what the Rangers have done (or not done) to deserve such heart break, but until they win a World Series they will be doomed to reminisce on the "What ...