Who do you Love?
Love. What an interesting topic, especially for a single guy to be talking about. A guy often dreams about finding that one girl that he will love for the rest of his life, as I'm sure girls dream about finding that right guy that they will love forever after. What is the outward evidence of Love? Outwardly Love shows itself in what we put our time and effort into. Single guys like myself often but that time and effort into their car, house, computer, job, ministry or even into the search of the perfect girl. In Matthew 22:35-38 we find out where God wants us to place our Love
One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND." This is the great and foremost commandment.
We must love God first and foremost of all! Nothing and no one can come between me and my God. I love that phrase "My God" If you really love God you will want to talk with Him, walk with Him and spend every waking moment with him. If you are truly walking with God He will give you the desires of your heart. Not the desires of your heart that you had before you were walking with him, but the desires that He puts into your heart as you draw ever nearer to Him.
Ron Hamilton has written a song about this which actually the inspiration for this post. God had given us one "Great Commandment" and that is to "Love the Lord your God"
Though I have great knowledge and truth I understand,
Even though the mountains hear my voice and bow to my command,
Though men see my good works and though God sees above,
This will count as nothing without God's work of Love.
The Greatest command of all, The Greatest command of all
The Greatest command of all my life is to love you Lord.
So increase my love for you as this one thing I do.
The Greatest command in all of my life is to love you Lord.
Though I make great sacrifice and all men know my name,
Even though I speak to mighty crowds and angels spread my fame,
Though I serve my fellow man and serve my Lord above,
This will count as nothing without God's work of Love.
The Greatest command of all, The Greatest command of all
The Greatest command of all my life is to love you Lord.
So increase my love for you as this one thing I do.
The Greatest command in all of my life is to love you Lord.
One of them, a lawyer, asked Him a question, testing Him, “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And He said to him, "YOU SHALL LOVE THE LORD YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, AND WITH ALL YOUR SOUL, AND WITH ALL YOUR MIND." This is the great and foremost commandment.
We must love God first and foremost of all! Nothing and no one can come between me and my God. I love that phrase "My God" If you really love God you will want to talk with Him, walk with Him and spend every waking moment with him. If you are truly walking with God He will give you the desires of your heart. Not the desires of your heart that you had before you were walking with him, but the desires that He puts into your heart as you draw ever nearer to Him.
Ron Hamilton has written a song about this which actually the inspiration for this post. God had given us one "Great Commandment" and that is to "Love the Lord your God"
Though I have great knowledge and truth I understand,
Even though the mountains hear my voice and bow to my command,
Though men see my good works and though God sees above,
This will count as nothing without God's work of Love.
The Greatest command of all, The Greatest command of all
The Greatest command of all my life is to love you Lord.
So increase my love for you as this one thing I do.
The Greatest command in all of my life is to love you Lord.
Though I make great sacrifice and all men know my name,
Even though I speak to mighty crowds and angels spread my fame,
Though I serve my fellow man and serve my Lord above,
This will count as nothing without God's work of Love.
The Greatest command of all, The Greatest command of all
The Greatest command of all my life is to love you Lord.
So increase my love for you as this one thing I do.
The Greatest command in all of my life is to love you Lord.
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