Finally, October is OVER!

The month of October has been a crazy month for me. It started off with me being in the Hospital for a weekend. I has gotten Colitis (an inflamed colon) and had put off going to checked out for an entire month until I was so weak I couldn't work. I had lost 30 Lb. in one month (not of my choosing) and had absolutely no energy and no strength. After my stay in the hospital I went back to work, where my employers were very understanding about me needing to take breaks to rest (usually just a 5 min. break to catch my breath). After one week I was feeling well enough to try playing some basketball, but that was an unusual experience for me because my coordination was off and my arm strength was not back yet, and so my shooting and running even may have looked a little like a the way a girl would run and shoot (I'm now back to full strength and coordination). Work has been an adventure in and of itself. While one job (CFA) is going very well, and I'm improving in my ability there almost every shift, my other job (TFM) is heading for disaster (not me specifically, I'll be fine, but the deli in general) The Quality of our product is still the same as it has always been, but the availability and speed in delivering that product will be lacking this year due to managerial incompetence. This could cause me to be very stressed, but God has allowed me to simply do my job and not worry about things that I can't fix. I'm back to full strength, in good spirits, walking closely to my God and ever so busy with work, church, and life in general. So that was my October, (there were other things to but those things shall not be revealed) How was yours?


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