Sever any tie

Last night Bill Knipe preached a sermon on missions and then Pastor Minnick gave an invitation for those who were willing to totally surrender to where ever the Lord would have them go, either onto the foreign field or to stay in Greenville. The real challenge (for me) though was in the message of the invitation song "Lord Send Me Anywhere". And it's not even the anywhere that scares me most of the time. It's the third line in the chorus. "Server any tie, save the tie that binds me to thy heart" Am I really willing to let God take away something that I love, even a Godly thing. It could be a place where I have many good memories, an ability that God has used but decides to take away. a family member who I'm very close to, or a friend who means everything to me. Am I willing to give up these things to go or stay where God wants me? Am I using any of these things to not let God use me the way I know he wants to use me? The answer to these questions isn't a one time "Yes" or "No" but it is a daily surrendering to the Lord and God's will for my life. It may be more difficult on one day verses on another day but everyday we must surrender each of these things to God. We must let God "Sever any tie" and he will give us the ties that make us the most valuable to Him and His kingdom.

"Lord Send Me Anywhere"

O Lord, since thou has died to give thyself for me ,
No sacrifice could be to great for me to make for Thee.

Lord, send me anywhere only go with me,
Lay any burden on me only sustain me,
Sever any tie save the tie that binds me to thy heart,
Lord Jesus my King, I consecrate my life Lord to Thee.

I only have one life and that will soon be past;
I want my life to count for Christ, what's done for Him will last.

Lord, send me anywhere only go with me,
Lay any burden on me only sustain me,
Sever any tie save the tie that binds me to thy heart,
Lord Jesus my King, I consecrate my life Lord to Thee.

I follow Thee, my Lord and glory in the cross,
I gladly leave the world behind and count all gain as loss.

Lord, send me anywhere only go with me,
Lay any burden on me only sustain me,
Sever any tie save the tie that binds me to thy heart,
Lord Jesus my King, I consecrate my life Lord to Thee.


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