Women Pastors and the SBC

Recently the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) has made a stand that they believe is based on Biblical standards about women pastors. There are many complicated aspects to this issue, some biblical and some non biblical. First of all let’s see what the Bible says. In 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1 Paul instructs his protégés on the qualifications for pastors. The word Pastor can be interchanged with other terms but I will use the word Pastor because it is what we in the American church use to reference the leader of the church. The first qualification is that the leader must be the husband of one wife. This implies that this person is an adult male who is married. I believe that both aspects of this are important for the leader of a church who is composed of families. God had created men to be the leaders in the home and in society. It is a natural position for men and it is designed by God that way on purpose. Today people focus on t...