Speaking Life
I was listening to a podcast this evening and one line that stuck out to me is a phrase that the guest on said. In reality it was part of a phrase, but she mentioned speaking life into someone. I believe that this is a critical part of Christian growth. I have seen it grow myself and my wife when life was spoken into us and I have seen the fire grown dim when life was no longer being spoken into our lives. I will be the first to admit that I have not been the best at speaking life into others and it is something that I am working on and will be working on for the rest of my life.
What is speaking life into someone and why is it so
important? Speaking life, true life, is
telling someone or sharing with someone the truths of God’s word that are positive. Often we focus on the negative truths that
are in God’s word especially when we see them in others. We can easily point out even the minutest of
sins and be critical of each other. We
can often see where others fail, either by God’s standards or by our own interpretation
of God’s standards. Disagreements can
cause the speaking of life into each other to cease and the effects can be devastating.
I think that if we look back at the beginning
of the pandemic in 2020 that this was a huge issue in churches all across America
and the world. We ceased to get together
and life ceased to be spoken into lives.
I personally experienced this as did my wife.
Speaking life into someone is reminding them that God loves them, regardless of their life circumstances. God cares for you, even if you have not as of yet accepted Him into your heart as your Savior from sin. As a child of God we are secure in Him. As believers Holy Spirit is living and active in our lives. We need to be reminded that all things work together for good, to those who love God and are called to be Children. We have a home in heaven prepared for us! As we look forward to Resurrection Sunday we are reminded that Jesus overcame the grave. HE LIVES! HE IS ALIVE! Death could not hold Him. My God is an AWESOME GOD!
This is speaking life into someone. Speaking life is reminding someone of the goodness of God. Speaking life into someone can sometimes feel unrewarding because the person that we are speaking life into isn’t responding the way we are to those truths. It is at times like these that we need to remember that it is not our life that we are speaking into them, but the life of Holy Spirit. It is He who draws all men to repentance. It is Holy Spirit who gives new life. It is Holy Spirit who gives us the power to live every day in Grace.
Often we don’t understand the power of what we say. Just as we can speak life into someone we can also speak death into someone by being overly critical when we should keep our mouth shut or voicing our opinion of what we think that a person should do in a certain circumstance. It is not my place to tell people that they need to do something different. Holy Spirit can and will draw those he has chosen to Himself and as indwells believers He, and He alone will grow them to be more like Jesus.
Don’t try to fix people. Let God do the fixing. Lets speak life into each other and watch Holy Spirit do the work in each of us that He has promised to do.
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