We have Christmas because God chose to Love!

Not to long ago I was talking to a gentleman from my church about the topic of relationships and he made a statement that I found very intriguing and one that has lead to a lot of contemplation. He said "Love is not something you fall into, it's a choice". This is difference is at the root cause of the massive number of broken homes in our country today. To often couples "Fall" into what they think is "Love" when in fact all it is simply infatuation and the want to have physical desires fulfilled. Love is in fact a choice one makes. A choice to Love someone no matter what that person does, no matter how much that person hurt you, and no matter what happens to that person. Love is waiting for marriage. Love is obeying those in authority whether it be parental, pastoral, or governmental. True Love is unconditional. This leads me to think about what God did over two thousand years ago. He "Chose" to love us and send his son to be born in a manger. God didn't fall in love with man when he created Adam. He chose to love man. Through out history he showed his love. By saving Noah and his family, by confounding the languages at the tower of Babel, by sending Jesus, the Light of the world, to be born of a virgin and to later be crucified on a cross. If God did not indeed make the choice to love man who has repeatedly chosen to turn their back on their creator then he would've simply destroyed mankind many millennial ago!
  This Christmas don't forget to  thank God for loving you and make sure that those whom you love know it!
Merry Chirstmas


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